Saturday, 15 June 2013

Five for Friday! 14/06/13

One more week until Winter break!  Woo hoo!  This week at school was busy, busy, busy... but I did manage to snap a few photos to share for Five for Friday.

1.  In our Science unit we have been learning about the Seasons and this week was all about Autumn.

The kidlets loved these paintings... mostly because they loved getting their arms and hands all painty!  We don't get a lot of trees here that change colours and drop their leaves, so we read lots of books and looked at lots of pictures before we did this craft.  

2. In our Literacy work we've been looking at word families.

I have been doing this activity for-eva because the kidlets love it.  We read Cat in the Hat and then brainstorm all the words we can think of that end with -at.  We add a few to our painted hats and display them around the room.  Such a great visual reminder of the word family.

3. Rain, rain... go away!

Another week of rainy lunch breaks.  Luckily I grabbed a few new DVDs a few weeks ago so one day I popped on 'Elmo in Grouchland'.  Although I had planned to tidy and take down some displays while they were watching, I ended up spending most of my time engrossed in the movie too! What is it about kids' movies? :)

4. I love working with some of my best friends!

The sun came out on Friday and while our Preppies were enjoying their outside play time I ran into Sarah, also out in the playground with her Year 2's who were having a market day.  

5. Don't worry, I won't spend this all at once!!

I had to giggle when I received this email from TpT.  In late May I posted my first ever product and had sold a whole ONE item by the end of the month.  I've read a few TpT tips that say I need to be patient with my sales so I'm not too worried... and the June payment will already be larger! :) I'm hoping that on the holidays I can get to work on a few products that I plan to use next semester and add them to my store.  Until then, I'll add my $1.76 to my rainy day fund! :)

I'm off to run a heap of errands to get organised before I jump on a plane next Saturday to Canada.  When I get home I plan to spend some time blog-hopping through the linky.  I'd love to read what you've been up to this week!

Happy Friday!!



  1. Your seasons project is just precious! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. Haha Lauren - my first payment was something silly like 80c so you're doing better than me!! I am only just now getting a nice little amount from TPT so it does take a while but at least you can buy yourself a chocolate bar as a reward =P

    I am borrowing your Cat in the Hat idea for this week - we haven't 'officially' started word families yet but I have been absolutely dying to get started and I think this is a good excuse.

    Yay for the last week of school!

    Lifelong Learners in Prep

    1. Hi Casey,

      Borrow away! The kids love these hats because the text is so familiar to them it's not too daunting. :)

      What phonics program do you guys use? We use Letterland and the word families part is a bit hazy... I'd love a great resource to use instead of double guessing myself every year!



Thanks for popping by!