Can you believe it's Monday already?! Where oh where did the weekend go? Lucky for me the lovely Kacey keeps the
Five for Friday linky open for Johnny-Come-Latelys like me. :)
Last week part of our phonics focus was the letter 's' saying the /z/ sound, like in the word 'laser' or in plural words. In a very tenuous connection we made this cute little thumbprint art work with five bees (see, it fits!) and a hive.
We glued our current favourite finger play in the corner:
Here is the beehive, where are the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Watch them come creeping out of the hive,
One, two, three, four, five!
I drew the hive and copied it on to yellow paper for the kidlets to cut out, and they used their thumbs to print the bee bodies with paint. When the paint was dry we added eyes, stripes and wings with black and blue markers.

I'm loving guided reading groups at the moment! We are at the stage where the other groups work completely independently, leaving me to read without interruption with a small group of kidlets (about time!). We've loved playing a letter or
reading fluency card game either as a warm up or cool down after our reading. Depending on the needs of the group we either practice
letter recognition,
CVC words,
'Magic E' or
sight word sentences.
One of the absolute favourites last week was 'Fox in the Hen House'. :)
I have the world's cutest nephew and recently he's been brushing up on his soccer skills!
He had a tough game with my brother and Chris over the weekend. :)
If you're in Australia you might happen to love watching 'The Block' just as much as I do. During one of the shows Chris and I tweeted a comment, and it made it onto the live show!
That's our tweet on the screen, even though you can't read anything it says. (You'll just have to trust me!)
The way that this year is flying past it will soon be Christmas time! Which is just fine by me - it is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year. :) I'm seriously considering making these
TMNT baubles for my tree. How cute are they?
Thanks for stopping by, even though I was so slow off the mark with my Friday Five this week. Make sure to visit the linky and read what everyone else has been up to!