Friday 9 January 2015

Five for... Friday?

I'm going to be really honest and say that when the first 'Five for Friday' post popped up on my Bloglovin' feed earlier there was a moment when I was totally confused.  I've been too busy enjoying my glorious Summer break and have totally lost track of time.  I hadn't thought about what day it might be since this time last week! Thank goodness for linkys to keep me on track. :)

In between pinning this week I ordered some cute business cards to use as 'take home' tokens.  The first for kidlets who have made it to the 'Super Kid' card of our clip chart, and the second for those who were caught filling someone's bucket.

I'm also excited for my self-inking stamp to arrive!  It says 'Checked by Miss Kuhn'.  Teaching Prep (Kindergarten) I don't mark my kidlets work with ticks and crosses.  I don't do a heap of worksheets and when I do, I ask kidlets to 'try again' if they are wrong.  If they end up getting it right I give them verbal praise (or a smiley face on their page if they've done a super job), but if they are wrong I don't put a big old cross on the answer they worked so hard to come up with.  I've seen Preppies become really stressed when their work is marked wrong.  This stamp will be a quick way to let parents know that I've seen each page.

I ordered the business cards and stamp from Vista Print.

My brother and nephew came to visit yesterday and we went to the zoo!

Mack loved this little wallaby almost as he loved the giant Boa Constrictor!

I loved this cute guy.

Earlier in the week I finished off a pack that I'd had in the works for a long time!  Read this post to learn about how I teach my kidlets to use 'Spaceman Spaces'.

Or click on the preview below to see the pack in my store.

I've been reminiscing about my fun 30th trip to Vegas with some lovely friends who I miss a lot.  

Australia to Canada is a long way to go for a catch up - I'm thinking we need to meet halfway in Hawaii!

How cute is this 'ant'onyms anchor chart that I pinned today!  I'm definitely going to use this idea.  The link goes nowhere though - bummer.  I bet whoever made this had a heap of other clever ideas.  Let me know if it's yours!

Now that I know it's Friday I'd best be off to watch the wedding shows on TLC, while reading the other Five for Friday posts of course! :)


  1. Isn't summer break sweet? Love the fact we lose track of days
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  2. Enjoy your summer break! Not knowing what day it is means you are definitely doing it right. I'm jealous of your new stamp. I have always wanted one of those.

    Apples and Papers

  3. Love that anchor chart, how did I not think of that? So simple yet so cute.
    We use spacemen in our prep classes as well. They boys, who usually are the ones forgetting their spaces, LOVE them and never forget to grab them :).
    Sheri :)

  4. I love the little things you have found this week for school! Your little business cards and spacemen are adorable! Have a wonderful week!
    Teaching Maths with Meaning


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