Saturday 2 March 2013

March Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for the first time ever for her awesome 'Currently' party.  

Listening - The rain has been falling here on the Sunshine Coast for what feels like forever!
Loving - My Canadian boy will be here on Good Friday!  He's here for 2 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait to see him. :)
Thinking - I'm off to a birthday dinner tonight and have no idea what to wear!  I also need to decide whether I should bother to straighten my hair - I know it will just go frizzy in this weather!
Wanting - I really want some nice new jeans... but the thought of the dreaded fitting room is enough to keep me in my old ones. Does anyone else hate how the sales assistants are always banging on the door asking how you're going?
Needing - I really need a cuppa... but forgot to buy milk today. :(
Like - Maynard's Fuzzy Peaches are the only lollies I brought back with my from Canada, and they are almost all gone!
Love - Nothing better than a sleep in and some TV on the weekend.
Hate - That feeling of absolute lethargy that seems to plague me after a huge day with my Preppies... maybe I need a multivitamin!

Head on over to check out the other bloggers' Currentlies. :)



  1. Today I am going to embrace my lethargy and love it! :)

    Have fun at dinner!

    1. It's still raining here so I think I'm going to do the same today. Maybe it's not the lethargy that's the problem but my attitude towards it! :)

  2. I am also enjoying my day of lethargy. I need it! Enjoy your rainy day!

  3. Love your blog background! So super cute! I found you through Farley's Currently! I hate jean shopping too... So happy I found you!


    1. Hi Tara! I'm so tech-phobic that I don't know how to change the background so I'm really glad someone thinks it's cute!
      I love finding new blogs... am heading straight over to check out yours. :)

  4. Lethargy here too. Thinking about staying in my PJs all day:) I enjoyed reading your post. Hope you find some jeans (I understand completely!)
    Pirate Girl's Education Invasion


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